Executive Enhanced By Moore Addition 

Executive Enhanced By Moore Addition 

19 Oct 2021

The league are delighted to announce, following a series of discussions with Chairman Trevor Atkinson, Robert Moore - known around the league as “Archie” - was accepted onto the Executive committee at the October meeting.
Players will get a much better say in the decision making thanks to Robert’s new role as he heads up a group made up of current senior and recently-retired players designed to create a closer link to all players across the league. The group will be able to recommend new initiatives and solutions, based from a playing perspective, and will be fed directly into the Executive at monthly committee meetings via Robert. 

The T20 could receive a spruce-up should a 12-team Premiership concept see reality in 2022. 

One of the first challenges for the group to tackle as a priority, will be to suggest how T20 cricket can be reorganised in the event of the reformation of a 12-club Premiership; a notion the Executive are fully behind and will be put to a vote at the upcoming rules revisions ahead of the AGM in December. 
Former Honley skipper Moore, who he led to six Premiership titles in seven seasons during a wave of success at Far End Lane in the 00’s, has been driving developments off the pitch at his club which has lead to an impressive restoration of the old pavilion, a modern extension of the playing facilities, new covers, a refurbishment of the bar and a brand new electric scoreboard. On the pitch, he has presided over a smooth transition into a young, competitive team with a thriving junior section after stepping down as first team captain ten years ago. Moore also was honoured with a Lady Sykes Candlestick towards the end of his playing days for the services he has given to Honley over the years.
The committee can think of few people better to lead this task force than Robert, as we continue to modernise in our administration and running of the Huddersfield Cricket League. His arrival will also help strengthen our relationships with the YCB and ECB to build on the good work already made in establishing ourselves proudly as one of Yorkshire’s premier cricket leagues. We feel Rob has a fantastic relationship with players young and old, based on a firm respect that many have towards him and this will be of a huge benefit for the league.
Robert will begin his role following the December AGM and we look forward to working with “Archie” and his sub-committee in 2022 and beyond.


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