
The Archives: League Tables


A searchable database of league tables for any division that spans back to the early 1990’s. In addition to this you can also view more statistics such as any club’s league record since 1993 and season performances.

Your Help Wanted!

You can help continue to grow this archive. If you have any old handbooks from earlier than 1990, they would be of interest. Contact jamiekharrison@gmail.com if you can help.


Peter Dibb

We have named this archive in the memory of one of Huddersfield Crickets most legendary players. Peter played nearly 1,000 innings and bowled over 13,000 overs during a 62-season career. When he retired from playing Peter continued to collect and update his own personal archive which was handed to him by former Huddersfield League match secretary Hedley Collins in 2000. We hope that naming our archive after him keeps his legacy alive for many years to come. You can read our obituary to Peter here>>.


The reports can be controlled using the filters below. Any end of season table from 1993 to present can be displayed. You can also view any team's overall record in that time period too. Navigate to and from each report using the links at the top.

The data is best viewed on larger devices such as tablets or PCs. If viewing on a mobile phone, we recommend you view the reports in landscape mode