The league is deeply saddened to learn about the recent passing of Her Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth II. The news has been solemnly felt all around the world and is clearly a major historical event. The Huddersfield Cricket League have sent their most sincere condolences to the Royal family.
We understand the impact HRH’s passing will have on professional sport with key events such as the England v South Africa test match and professional football programmes halted this coming weekend. However, we have taken deep consideration and advice from sporting bodies such as the YCB with crucial matches scheduled to be played. Given the sudden nature of this event we have no alternative but to press ahead with the weekend fixtures, many of which have key promotion and relegation issues at stake.
We await final confirmation, but clubs should prepare for all matches to be played on Saturday 10th September and we insist they are preceded directly before the start of play by a two minute’s silence, to reflect on and remember the life of a remarkable lady. This will mean the silence will commence at 12:28pm for Premiership, Jedi Championship and Cedar Court Conference matches and 12:58pm for all other games. The wearing of black armbands is permitted by players and officials, but will be left to the club or individual's choice, as is the flying of flags at half-mast.
We would like to thank all clubs in advance for their cooperation and understanding at the decision made.