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a) The competition shall be called the All Rounder Cricket Sykes Cup (the Competition), and all ties shall be under the control of the Executive. At all times ties in the Competition shall take precedence over the Total Indoor Cricket Solutions T20 Trophy or Shield, and all non-domestic competitions.
b) League Rules shall apply, where appropriate, except for Rules L8e) “unfit pitch†- sentence 3; L8k) “delayed starts†- last 2 sentences; L8l) “15 over limit per bowlerâ€; L8m); L8n) “reduced over game†- last sentence; L8o) “rain ruleâ€; L8r) “declarationsâ€; L8t) “abandoned game†- last 2 sentences; along with Rule L9, and also except as provided below:
c) It shall be a knockout Competition for all clubs with teams in the 1st X1 Competition. The preliminary round shall comprise the 1st X1 teams of any newly admitted Full Member clubs in their first season in the Competition, and the lowest finishing teams in the 1st XI Competition from the previous season, after promotion and relegation have been taken into consideration.
d) The accounts of the Competition shall be included in the Annual Statement of Finance presented at the AGM and, if this be adopted, any surplus shall then be transferred to League funds.
a) The preliminary round, and first round draws shall be made at the AGM with subsequent rounds being drawn on the Wednesday following the date of the previous round at a scheduled Council meeting, a convened Executive meeting or a meeting convened for the purpose of the draw.
b) In all rounds prior to the final all ties shall be played on the ground of the club drawn first. Home clubs using artificial pitches adjacent to the square, for practice before the start of the tie, shall offer an equal amount of practice time on such pitches to the visiting club.
c) The venue for the final shall be selected by the Executive and announced at least twelve weeks in advance of the scheduled date. No club shall hold, or allow to be held, any organised function of any description on its cricket ground on the scheduled day of the final.
d) The match balls for the final shall be provided by the Executive.
e) Admission fees for rounds prior to the semi-final shall be the same as those charged for League matches, and those for the semi-final and final shall be fixed by the Executive. Fees for admission to all or part of the second innings only in an extended tie shall be half the normal scale.
f) For ties prior to the semi-finals the proceeds from any gate receipts shall be shared equally by the competing clubs, only after the expenses of both umpires have been settled. For the semi-finals and final the Executive shall arrange for the collection of gate receipts. After the payment of all expenses the four teams shall each receive 10% of the net receipts from the semi-finals and the two teams 10% each of the net receipts from the final. The surplus, after the payment to clubs, shall be placed in the Competition account for the season.
a) All players who are registered by midnight on the Friday prior to the start of the season shall be eligible to play in the Competition during that season without restriction, with the exception of a Test cricketer playing at First Class level or a contracted County cricketer who has played in the County Championship during the current season, who shall be subject to the provisions of Rule C3b).
b) A player registered after the start of a season, or a Test or County player as defined in Rule C3a) above whenever registered, shall also be eligible provided that, during the season, he has played for his club in the qualifying number of League and/or Cup/Shield matches specified below (or appeared on a TMRF for an abandoned match in accordance with League Rule L8t) prior to the scheduled date of the round in which he plays:
1) In the preliminary or first round - one prior League match played,
2) In the second round - two prior League or Cup/Shield matches played,
3) In the third round - three prior League or Cup/Shield matches played,
4) By the date of the first option for the semi-finals - four prior League or Cup/Shield matches played,
5) By the final - must have qualified under either a) or b4) above.
c) No player shall play for both his club’s teams in the same or corresponding rounds of the Sykes Cup and Paddock Shield competitions, nor shall any player play for more than one club in the competition during the same season.
d) Any team playing an ineligible player shall forfeit the tie and be fined £20.
a) Ties shall be played on the dates arranged by the Executive. Subject to paragraphs 1, 2 & 3 below all ties shall start at 1.00pm.
b) In the event of a tie starting on the scheduled date in the Preliminary Round the “rain rule†below shall apply as follows:
1) For a delayed start 1 over per side will be deducted for every 6 minutes lost up to a minimum of a 20 overs per side match. Tea is not included in any deduction - latest start 4.30pm.
2) As per Rule L8o)2)
In a game interrupted for more than 30 minutes by ground and/or weather conditions, the number of overs allocated at the outset to the 1st Innings shall not be reduced. A revised 1st Innings total shall then be calculated on the following basis:
i) Divide the runs scored in the 1st innings by the number of overs available to team batting first at the start of their innings, to arrive at the 1st innings runs per over - the 1st innings run rate.
In the event of a side being dismissed within the total number of entitled overs the run rate will be calculated by dividing the runs scored by the total number of entitled overs.
ii) Calculate 75% of the 1st inns run rate in i) above-the revised run rate.
iii) Multiply the revised run rate in ii) above by the number of overs lost in
the 2nd innings - the run reduction.
iv) Calculate the revised 1st innings total, by deducting the run reduction,
arrived at in iii), from the 1st innings total, ignoring any decimals in the resulting calculation. This revised 1st innings total should be posted on the scoreboard.
3) i) For all interruptions due to ground and/or weather conditions in either innings, the umpires should note the cumulative time lost and for every full 3.5 minutes, and after 30 minutes have elapsed deduct one over from the second innings allowance.
The first innings should be completed, and the overs allowance for the second innings reduced accordingly by the number of overs lost, up to a maximum of 40 overs lost, thus allowing for a minimum of a 10 over second innings.
The revised 1st innings total, should then be calculated/recalculated using 2)iii) and iv) above. This revised 1st innings total should be posted on the scoreboard.
ii) The game is automatically abandoned when the total number of overs available for the 2nd Innings drops below 10 overs (provided a result has not previously been reached).
iii) If a minimum of 10 overs have been completed in the second innings, and the match is abandoned the result will be determined by recalculating the revised 1st innings total as per the prescribed calculation. The number of overs lost in the 2nd innings being the number of completed overs in the second innings deducted from the number of overs which were available at the commencement of the 2nd innings. (For this purpose any part over received shall constitute a complete over).
iv) Where less than 10 overs have been bowled in the 2nd innings the game shall be deemed as void, and a bowl out [Rule C4g) 1-11] shall take place. Where a bowl out is not possible, then a result shall be achieved by the toss of a coin.
4) In a delayed or interrupted match where the overs are reduced for both teams or for the team bowling second, no bowler may bowl more than one-fifth of the total overs allowed. Where the total overs is not divisible by 5, one additional over shall be allowed to the maximum number per bowler necessary to make up the balance. In the event of a bowler breaking down and being unable to complete an over, the remaining balls will be allowed by another bowler. Such part of an over will count as a full over only in so far as each bowler’s limit is concerned
5) In any game where there is a delayed start and/or where the second innings has been shortened by rain, the “power play†overs - Rule C4f)2)a, shall be revised as follows:
Inns Length P/Play Inns Length P/Play Inns Length P/Play
49-47 overs 15 overs 46-44 overs 14 overs 43-41 overs 13 overs
40-37 overs 12 overs 36-34 overs 11 overs 33-31 overs 10 overs
30-27 overs 9 overs 26-24 overs 8 overs 23-21 overs 7 overs
20-17 overs 6 overs 16-14 overs 5 overs 13-11 overs 4 overs
10 overs 3 overs
6) In the event of a Preliminary Round tie NOT starting on the scheduled date, the tie shall be played on the reserve date, and 1 - 5 above applied. Where no play is possible on the reserve day Rule C4g) 1-11 shall apply. Where a bowl out is not possible, then a result shall be achieved by the toss of a coin.
c) In the event of a tie other than a Preliminary Round tie not been completed on the scheduled, or re-arranged, date due to inclement weather the following shall apply:
1) Tie where at least 10 overs have been completed: shall continue as necessary on the following day(s), League fixture days accepted. Evening play in such extended ties shall start at 6.30pm, or earlier by mutual agreement, and on Sundays at 1.00pm. Play on Fridays shall also be by mutual agreement.
2) Tie where 10 overs have not been completed: shall be declared void and rearranged on the following Sunday or Bank Holiday Monday. Play in such rearranged ties shall start at 1.00pm, except in the case of Bank Holiday Monday ties where the start shall be by mutual agreement but no later than 6.30pm. Whilst all other provisions of Rule L8s) shall be met it is not necessary to list any players in the submission of the required TMRF.
3) Tie not completed at the second attempt: shall continue as 1) above.
d) Where extended play is required any interval between innings shall be ten minutes. If the first innings closes after 8.30pm the captain of the team batting second shall have the option of starting his team’s innings the next day.
e) In an extended tie the pitch shall be swept and rolled for at least five minutes after the close of play each day and may then be covered. Before the start of each succeeding day’s play the pitch shall be cut, and then rolled for not more than seven minutes. This maintenance shall take place in the presence of the umpires.
f) 1) All deliveries passing wide of the leg stump, and outside the line of the batsman’s body, that do not come into contact with the bat or any part of the batsman’s person, shall be called WIDE.
2) A fielding zone shall be drawn on the field of play. This shall consist of two semi-circles having respective centres at each middle stump, and joined by a parallel line on each side of the pitch. The radius of each of the circles shall be 30 yards, but where any part of this zone would impinge within five yards of the boundary line then it shall be drawn at that limitation. The perimeter of the fielding zone shall be marked by a series of white discs.
a. For the first 15 overs of each innings only 2 fielders shall be permitted outside the zone. In the event of any infringement, the umpire at square leg shall call and signal “no ballâ€.
b. For each over following the fifteenth over, a minimum of 4 fielders (plus the bowler and the wicketkeeper) must be inside the fielding zone throughout the innings. In the event of any infringement the umpire at square leg shall call and signal “no ballâ€.
3) During an over, at any time, there shall not be more than 5 fielders on the leg side. In the event of any infringement the umpire at square leg shall call and signal “no ballâ€.
4) Each bowler shall be allowed to bowl a maximum of 10 overs.
g) The team making the higher score in each tie shall be the winners, irrespective of the number of wickets lost. If the scores finish level the winners shall be the team who has lost the least number of wickets. Note that injured or absent players are wickets lost only in the case of a team being all out or declaring their innings closed. If both teams have lost the same number of wickets the winners will be decided by a 'bowl out', organised by the umpires and using the procedure below.
If in exceptional circumstances, the umpires deem it impractical to conduct a bowl out the winner shall be decided by the team who has scored the most runs after 15, and if necessary subsequent overs.
Bowl Out Procedures:
1. The umpires shall arrange a suitable site and oversee the bowl out.
2. The captains shall nominate their five bowlers and the order of bowling. They must then inform each other and the umpires prior to the toss. In the event of injury during the bowl out, the injured player may be replaced by another bowler, but not one of the previously nominated five.
3. The captains shall toss a coin for the right to decide which team bowls first in the bowl out.
4. Wicketkeepers must stand at least 5yards behind the stumps.
5. Each delivery should be fair and must pitch in front of popping crease.
6. If a bowler bowls a ‘wide’ or a ‘no ball’ it will count as a miss with no re-bowl permitted.
7. The umpires must take up positions as in a normal game. The umpire at square leg will be responsible for ruling on the bounce of the ball.
8. All bowlers, except the one who is next to deliver, must take up a position by the square leg umpire. All other players must be clear of the playing area, and as instructed by the umpires.
9. The nominated bowlers from each side will then bowl one delivery over-arm. This will be done alternatively following the order of bowling as given before. A dislodged bail will constitute a hit.
10. The side which bowls down the wicket most times shall be the winner.
11. If the scores are level after all 5 players have bowled, the 'bowl out' will continue until a result is achieved on a 'sudden death' basis using the same 5 bowlers in the same order.
a) For all ties, standard 1st XI Competition League all inclusive expenses shall be paid to each umpire. In any extended tie additional travelling expenses shall be paid for each further day that they are in attendance. For ties prior to the semi-final the home club will be liable for the payment of both umpires. The Executive shall be responsible for all costs in the semi-finals and final, and for the provision and presentation of suitable mementoes to the appointed umpires in the final.
b) In any extended tie the umpires shall take charge overnight of the score books (except where a computer is used for scoring where the umpires shall be provided with a print out, or alternative copy of the close of play scorecard), and ball(s) used. They shall also ensure that the maintenance of the pitch done at the close of play, and at the start of each succeeding day’s play, is carried out in accordance with Rule C4e).
a) Any complaint shall be made in accordance with Rule L11a). However, in the case of a tie completed less than seven days before the next round, any compliant shall be handed to the Disciplinary Secretary within 24 hours of completion of the tie.
b) Any matter which is not expressly provided for in these Cup Rules or in the League Rules shall be decided as the Executive think proper.
a) The team winning the Competition shall receive the Sir Charles Sykes Cup and be entitled to hold the trophy until 1st July of the following season.
b) The winners and runners-up shall each be presented with 13 individual trophies.
c) A special award shall be presented to the player adjudged to have been Man of the Final.