2013 Archive News

2013 Archive News

12 Nov 2013

Fixtures Change in 2014 

12th November 2013 


The Tour De France will be arriving in Huddersfield in June next year which has had an impact on the fixtures for the 2014 season. Due to unprecidented travel and traffic issues which this premier sports event will create it has been decided that the fixtures due to occur on the weekend of 5th and 6th of July will be moved.

The league programme for Saturday July 5th will be moved to Saturday May 3rd, a date usually set aside for the first round of the Sykes Cup and Paddock Shield. These fixtures will be moved to the following day of Sunday May 4th.

Sunday July 6th is a date that was assigned to one of the Sykes Cup and Paddock Shield semi-finals. This shall move to the following weekend (Sunday July 13th) where all semi-finals for these competitions will be held on the same day.

League president Trevor Atkinson explained the move:

"In view of the probable traffic disruption likely to be caused by the Tour de France, the Drakes Executive took the decisions to cancel all cricket that first weekend in July.

The Executive were in unanimous agreement that it was best to take this cautious approach. It gives all our clubs the opportunity to make alternative arrangements for events on their grounds or, indeed, to make the most of any commercial opportunities presented by the Tour de France.

The league fixtures for 2014 should be announced in December or January. 


ECB & ACO Umpires & Scorers Branch Meeting 

15th September 2013 

The next Halifax/Huddersfield ECB ACO Umpires/Scorers Branch Meeting will be held at 7:30pm on Tuesday 1st October 2013 at the following venue:

Lindley New Road 

Tel: 01422 372220.

The guest speaker will be JOHN HOLDER, a former County player with Hampshire and 1st Class / Test Umpire for 27 years who retired in 2009.

A pie and peas supper will be available and Ian Livesey will be collating numbers. Ian can be contacted on 01924 848613 or ian_livesey_100@hotmail.co.uk so please register your attendence with Ian if you are coming. 



Umpires Association Annual Dinner 

5th September 2013 
The Huddersfield Cricket League Umpires Association is holding its Annual Dinner at Meltham Golf Club on Saturday 7 December 2013. All members, guests and their partners are welcome. Tickets cost £19 and the evening includes a 4 course meal and entertainment. Further information and tickets can be obtained by contacting Roger Harrison on 01484 844874 or 07842 684948 



Shepley win the Paddock Shield 

18th August 2013 
Shepley won the Fired Up Corporation Paddock Shield today at Broad Oak by 12 runs. After being put into bat by the host club, Shepley made 174 all out off 49.2 overs. Chris Cox top scored with 38. In reply, Broad Oak reached 162 all out off 49.4 overs. Ben Burnett top scored with 31 and Ali Reza took 4 for 23 off 11.4 overs to take the man-of-the-match award. 



Hoylandswaine - 2013 Sykes Cup Winners 

11th August 2013 
Congratulations to Hoylandswaine who won the 2013 Sykes Cup in today's final held at Hullen Edge in Elland. After being put into bat by Shepley captain Danny Glover, Hoylandswaine put on 304-4 from their 50 overs (Joe Sayers 103, John Sadler 96). In reply Shepley closed their innings at 228-7. Hoylandswaine captain John Sadler also collected the man of the match award for his overrall contribution to their victory. 



Joe Lumb Team through to Final 

4th August 2013 
The Joe Lumb team - young players who represent our local leagues, reached the final of the Joe Lumb Competition today at Honley with a comprehensive victory over the Heavy Woollen League. 

*Huddersfield Junior Cricket League 226-8 (T Taylor 84, B Birkhead 33, J Smith 31, W Fraine 26; J Donnelly 4-64), 
Heavy Woollen League 117 (N Kaye 29; T Taylor 9-30) 



Cawthorne win the Oddfellows Cup 

4th August 2013

Slaithwaite 138 (J Bryson 39; P Cairns 3-16), 
*Cawthorne 141-4 (B Simpson 33, C Matthewson 30, M Burgess 27no; T Graham 3-13). 



Black Sheep Trophy Semi Final 

20th June 2013

The semi final of the Yorkshire Champion of Champions (Black Sheep Trophy) between Hoylandswaine and York is to be played at Hoylandswaine's Haigh Lane ground on Sunday 7th July. The tie sees the current Huddersfield League champions pitted against the current National Champions and who are members of the Yorkshire ECB League 



Oddfellows / Earnshaw Cup 2nd Round Draw

20th June 2013

The draw for the semi-finals of the Oddfellows and Earnshaw Cup were also drawn this week as follows:

Oddfellows Cup 2nd Round Earnshaw Cup 2nd Round
Almondbury Wes v Broad Oak Shepley v Delph & Dobcross
Moorlands v Emley Clarence Hall Bower v Shelley
Lascelles Hall v Slaithwaite Linthwaite v Moorlands
Cawthorne v Paddock (to be played 7th July) Rastrick v Denby Dale

All matches are to be played on Sunday 30th June unless stated. 


Sykes Cup / Paddock Shield Semi Final Draw

19th June 2013

The draw for the semi-finals of the Sykes Cup and Paddock Shield was drawn this evening as follows:

Sykes Cup | Semi Final 
Shepley v Kirkburton - 7 July 
Golcar v Hoylandswaine -14 July 
Paddock Shield | Semi Final 
Kirkburton v Broad Oak - 7 July 
Shepley v Linthwaite - 14 July 



Skelmanthorpe Fixtures In allroundercricket.com Twenty/20 Trophy 

15th June 2013

Due to insurance implications, all of Skelmanthorpe's fixtures in the allrounder.com Twenty/20 Trophy have to be played away from home. The fixture list has been amended accordingly 



Sykes Cup / Paddock Shield 3rd Round Draw

8th May 2013

The draw for the 3rd round of the Sykes Cup and Paddock Shield was drawn this evening as follows:

Sykes Cup | 3rd Round
Golcar v Lascelles Hall
Shepley v Delph & Dobcross
Honley v Hoylandswaine
Kirkburton v Barkisland
Paddock Shield | 3rd Round
Linthwaite v Hoylandswaine
Broad Oak v Hall Bower 
Scholes v Shepley
Barkisland v Kirkburton

Ties are to be played on Sunday June 16th. 


Oddfellows / Earnshaw Cup 1st Round Draw

8th May 2013

The draw for the 1st round of both the Oddfellows Cup and Earnshaw Cup was drawn this evening was as follows:

Oddfellows Cup | 1st Round
Clayton West v Almondbury Wes
Paddock v Denby Dale
Denby v Broad Oak
Lepton Highlanders v Cawthorne
Cumberworth United v Lascelles Hall
Slaithwaite v Rastrick
Moorlands v Kirkheaton
Emley Clarence v Linthwaite
Earnshaw Cup | 1st Round
Hall Bower v Denby
Rastrick v Cumberworth United
Kirkheaton v Moorlands
Lascelles Hall v Shelley
Shepley v Paddock
Almondbury Wes v Denby Dale
Delph & Dobcross v Thongsbridge
Marsden v Linthwaite

Ties to be played Sunday June 9th. 


Sykes Cup / Paddock Shield 2nd Round Draw

8th May 2013

The draw for the 2nd round of the Sykes Cup and Paddock Shield was drawn this evening was as follows:

Sykes Cup 2nd RoundPaddock Shield 2nd Round
Delph & Dobcross v ShelleyLinthwaite v Almondbury Wesleyan
Almondbury/Emley v GolcarHonley v Hall Bower
Thongsbridge v HoylandswaineCumberworth United v Shepley
Scholes v HonleyKirkburton v Delph & Dobcross
Paddock v Lascelles HallHoylandswaine v Clayton West
Hall Bower v ShepleyBroad Oak v Lascelles Hall
Barkisland v Cumberworth UnitedShelley v Barkisland
Cawthorne v KirkburtonSkelmanthorpe v Scholes

Matches to be played on Sunday 19th May 2013 


New Season To Start on 20 April

8th April 2013

The League Executive have stated that the new season will start on Saturday 20 April. Some queries had been made regarding the recent cold weather and snow, however, clubs should be aware that it is the intention to start on the scheduled date.


Important Information For All Clubs

1st March 2013

Match Rescheduling

Clubs are reminded that the League Executive will not grant permission to a club for any match rescheduling. 

Player's Cricket Clothing Advertising

Below is a reminder of the policy reissued in 2012: 

For all competitions except the All rounder Cricket T20 Competitions: 

  1. All cricket clothing must be predominantly white/cream, although it is acceptable to use shirts/trousers that have small areas of coloured flashes that some manufacturers are marketing.
  2. Club badges, manufacturer's logos or advertiser's logos may be used on both shirt/sweater breast pocket areas with each logo not exceeding 4 inches by 4 inches (10.2cm by 10.2cm). 
  3. An advertiser's logo may be used centrally on the front of players’ shirts and/or sweaters and may not exceed 8 inches by 4 inches (20.4 cm by 10.2cm).
  4. All flashes, logos and advertising referred to in 1) to 3) below should be identical for all players within any team. any individual player logo or advertising is not permitted.
  5. Apart from the manufacturer's logo shown on any item of cricket clothing no other advertising is permitted other than that shown above. Player's names and/or numbers on shirts, sweaters or trousers are specifically prohibited.
  6. There is no restriction whatsoever to advertising on tracksuits etc. that are not used on the field of play

It should be noted that this policy will be strictly monitored and any club contravening any of the points below will be requested to make the appropriate amendments. 

Draws for T20 Plate 2013 - Preliminary Round / Round 1 

This took place on February Executive meeting: 

The draws for the Allroundercricket.com T20 Plate were made as follows: 

Preliminary Round 
games to be played on Tuesday 18th June:

Kirkheaton v Almondbury 
Cumberworth United v Paddock 

1st Round 
games to be played on Tuesday 25th June:

Kirkheaton or Almondbury v Cumberworth United or Paddock 
Almondbury Wesleyans v Rastrick 
Denby v Moorlands 
Lascelles Hall v Linthwaite 
Armitage Bridge v Broad Oak 
Denby Dale v Cawthorne 
Thongsbridge v Meltham 
Lepton Highlanders v Emley Clarence 

Paddock Shield playing conditions

As a reminder to clubs - Although the Sykes Cup will be played to "one day rules" from 2013, this will not be the case in the Paddock Shield, and the rules will be as in previous years. 

Expansion of the League

At the February Executive meeting it was decided to call an SGM in order to vote on the recommendation from the Executive committee that, Birkby Rose Hill, Cartworth Moor, Thurstonland and Upperthong be admitted to Membership of the Drakes Huddersfield Cricket League from season 2014. The Executive further propose to amend the promotion and relegation at the end of the 2013 season to Premiership, bottom 2 be relegated, Championship, top 2 promoted and bottom 1 be relegated, Conference top 5 promoted, so giving a League structure of Premiership 14, Championship 12 & Conference 12.

The result of the ballot will be available on Wednesday 6th March. 

Registration, Transfer and Declaration Form (RTDF) 

From season 2013 the RTDF will be include an extra parental consent section. This would need completion should the registering player be an Under 13 player ie aged 12 and in school Year 8 on 1st September, or an Under 12 County or Area player ie aged 11 and in school Year 7 on 1st September. 

T20 Trophy changes 

1.) At the quarter final stage of the T20 Trophy all four group winners will have home advantage. 

2.) In the event of there being sides with equal points, the best average achieved for and against per wicket, calculated from all group matches played, will take the higher position. (This replaces the previous runs per over calculation). 

White Rose competition 

This competition has now been wound up due to lack of interest from participating leagues. 


League Executive Committee News

14th Jan 2013

The draw for the first round of the Fired-up Corporation Paddock Shield is as follows:

Fired-up Corporation Paddock Shield 1st round - Sat 4 May  
Hall Bowerv Slaithwaite
Shepley v Meltham
Skelmanthorpe v Cawthorne
Marsden v Shelley
Hoylandswaine v Elland
Lascelles Hall v Lepton Highlanders 
Holmfirth v Scholes
Kirkheatonv Clayton West 
Rastrickv Delph & Dobcross 
Kirkburton v Paddock
Armitage Bridge v Broad Oak 
Linthwaite v Emley Clarence 
Thongsbridgev Cumberworth United 
Almondburyv Barkisland
Denby or Denby Dalev Almondbury Wesleyans or Moorlands 
Golcarv Honley



League Dinner - Last Few Days To Pick Up Tickets

8th Jan 2013

The annual League Dinner evening on Friday 18th January is fast approaching and so is the last chance to reserve your tickets for the League's showpiece awards evening. If you still wish to attend then you may do so by contacting the executive secretary Stephen Sykes on 01484 300025 or by email on steve.sykes48@btopenworld.com. The last date for reserving is on Friday 11th January and tickets are priced at £32.50 per person.

To remind you of the entertainment on that evening, the main speaker will be ex-Kiwi test cricketer and Sky Sports presenter Jeremy Coney with Mike Kelly providing the after-dinner comedy. 


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