CCHC Pod #52 - Craig Horner Career Overview

CCHC Pod #52 - Craig Horner Career Overview

26 May 2023

A special Castle Hill Cricket Chat podcast episode this week as we welcome Craig Horner, AKA Jack Horner, onto the show to talk about his 30 year career.

Craig made his debut in English cricket back in 1993 for Lascelles Hall where he won the league in his first ever season, and the only time he became a Byrom Shield winner.

He went on to have three spells at Hall, and played at Skelmanthorpe and Scholes before settling at Golcar - his second stint - since 2008. ‘Jack’ is known throughout the league for playing his cricket hard on the pitch, and enjoyed the off the pitch stuff just as much!

Seriously, this was one of the most enjoyable, funny and downright interesting interviews we’ve done so thanks to ‘Jack’ for taking part.

Listen on to find out how he got on in his “It Only Takes A Minute” quiz, where we debut our seriously terrible new jingle and see where he ranks on the early leaderboard. All the questions are Lascelles Hall, Golcar and Scholes related so play along at home too.

Listen via the link below or subscribe to our show on Spotify and Apple Podcasts to hear our episodes as soon as they come out.

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