Top Tips For Scorers

Top Tips For Scorers

15 Apr 2021

Seeing that the season is underway in a matter of days, it is prudent of us to recommend you and your club are well prepared for the new season where electronic scoring is concerned. Here are a few helpful tips designed to make life easier for scorers on a matchday.

Wherever possible, electronic scoring should be encouraged, especially for the home team. It has the added benefit of someone not having to manually input the details at some point after the match. For others checking the score away from the match, scoring electronically in sync with a cellular or wifi signal means the live ball-by-ball scores will be available on the play-cricket LIve app. Don’t worry about data usage either. Play-cricket software uses a minimal amount of data to record and relay the info to their servers.

Just as important for scorers, is for both teams to be submitted into play-cricket prior to the start of play by the home and away club’s play-cricket administrators (see above screenshot). Turning up ready to score just as the teams are taking their places on the field, only to find one or both teams haven’t been inputted earlier can create unnecessary stress in the scorebox.

Ensure you have plenty of power in your device before starting a match too. Most modern mobile devices should have enough battery power for 80-100 overs but consider a portable battery to accompany you just to give a much-needed ‘juice-boost’. Turning the screen brightness to a low level also extends the battery life considerably.


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